Microsoft U.S. Partner Group (USPG)

Video Series and Social Campaign for Microsoft USPG

Video Series and Social Campaign for Microsoft USPG

Microsoft’s One Commercial Partner (OCP) group wanted to educate partners about a set of cloud resources created just for them. From Windows Virtual Desktop for remote working solutions to Dynamics 365 for better sales insights, they sought EMM’s help in drumming up excitement among the USPG (U.S. Partner Group).

Understanding their needs:

EMM drafted a messaging framework for each of the 4 technologies promoted in the campaign: Azure, Dynamics 365, Customers for Life, and Modern Workplace. Then, we crafted a set of animated videos, along with social posts, to entice and educate partners, eventually leading them to dedicated landing pages.

How we helped:

Messaging Framework

To produce and coordinate the messaging that would be used across the campaign, EMM first developed a messaging framework—our specialty!

The framework identified target audiences and personas, key benefits of the cloud resources, and common pain points experienced by customers, among other vital information.

With the messaging framework solidified, we could ensure all creative assets derived from the same source of truth.


Social Media Campaign

To spread the message of these cloud resources, EMM crafted 6 months of social media content for each technology, highlighting the Microsoft advantages and unique benefits for partners.

The campaign performed superbly, garnering tens of thousands of impressions and high levels of engagement. In fact, the Sky’s the Limit Triple Play campaign garnered 805 registrations, accounting for more than 40% of the total registration in just two weeks.


Video Series

In tandem with the social media campaign, EMM produced five short videos covering Cloud Ascent, Azure Modernization, Dynamics 365, Windows Virtual Desktop, and one video covering the whole solution stack.

Animated according to Microsoft style guides, the videos helped tell a story about remote working with Microsoft technologies and capture our audience’s attention.



Click here to watch the whole series!


Products and Services
Messaging Framework Social Media Campaign Promotional Videos
Organization Size
10,000 +
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